Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Isaac and Andrew's first 3 weeks together

This was hilarious! Isaac found a balloon we had received for Andrew's birth and went crazy with it. He would walk around hitting everything with it, but eventually he got bored with that because the next thing I know he's doing this..............

At this point he was rocking back and forth on the the balloon. Then he started bouncing on it with his tummy. It was so funny!
This picture was taken because Isaac was getting mad that I was not paying attention to him. I was taking pictures of Andrew and he kept pulling on my shirt and reaching for the camera. So I took a picture of us but I don't think Isaac really was feeling it. His face is price less here and it reads, mom I don't want to take pictures, I want to play hide and seek, or something more entertaining than this.

This was the first day bringing Andrew home from the hospital. After Isaac's nap we brought Andrew in to Isaac's crib and gave the boys some bonding time, well more like Isaac poking Andrew time. I am just glad Isaac likes Andrew and doesn't get jealous when I hold him. Andrew swaddled in his new blanket that Grandma Ralph made him. This was about a week after he was born.
Here are my boys. I love being out numbered. My protection keeps getting stronger the more boys I get!
This picture is for Derek! I just wanted him to know that he isn't the only baby Isaac likes to try biting/kissing/slobbering. Not sure what he is actually trying to do when he does this but it's funny that he's kept it up since Derek. (Ask Tammy for the picture)
Here are our 2 boys! Isaac looks so big next to Andrew.
I love this face! It says, don't you even think about taking another picture mom, all over it!
this one too! But more like, mom do I have to take another one?

Here is baby Andrew 2 days old. He's such a little cutie, but I am biased of course.
Here is Andrew a few days old. He finally had his eyes opened for more than a few minutes. My vote is that they will be brown. What's yours?

I don't know what it is about our place but it just seems to bring on the snoozes. Just kidding, I thought this was a cute picture of Austin and Isaac. Isaac actually stayed there for awhile cuddling with Daddy. Oh and I don't know if you can see it but there are four people in this picture! Oh wait, I think I took this picture during one of the BYU football games when they weren't doing so well. Good thing that's changed.
About two weeks into having a younger brother, Isaac was getting really antsy in our little apartment. It's been a lot colder lately and I haven't been up for taking Isaac on our usually morning walk, especially with a newborn. So, our little family of four packed up and headed to the indoor play ground inside the mall so that Isaac could get a little breather. You should have seen him, he just lit up when he saw the other children. He was probably the youngest one there but definitely not the smallest, but I hope you enjoy the pictures.He kept wanting to go up the slide instead of down it.
Austin got pretty into it as well. (Thanks honey)
Isaac coming through the tree house.

Smiling for the camera.
Isaac checking out the tree house.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Our New Little Son

Yeah! We finally have our son here! His name is Andrew Stephen Heath. He was born on 11-3-10 at 12:22pm, weighed 8 pounds, and was 21 inches long. We love him so much!Isaac seeing his brother for the first time.

Okay, so this was Isaac last Friday before our ward Halloween party. I want everyone to see that I don't really ever have to watch Isaac, he can entertain himself. All he needs is a mirror and his shirt off!