Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bath Time

Ever since we've had Isaac we have never had a bath tub in our place. Fortunately though, after our third move being married we have been blessed with one! So the first week we moved in we gave Isaac a bath and he loved it. He splashed and giggled the whole time, well except for when he was eating his rubber ducky. So here are the pictures we took and you can tell from the first one that I was trying to be modest with my son by taking the picture of only his top half, but if you look at the rest of them you can see that I didn't have to. He just naturally put the duck in the perfect place. lol What a modest little boy! It is even natural looking. kind of.

You have got to believe me. We didn't put the duck there once. It was all him!
This picture is hilarious. When we were draining the water we let him stay in the tub so that he could watch the water drain. But what he found out was that his butt can stop water!! That is right. The flow of the water moved him down to the drain, and right at that moment Austin and I heard this suction sound and the water stopped. lol It was hilarious. My little all natural water stopper!

He looked so innocent when he stopped the water, but I know it was just his way of saying, "Mom, I don't want to get out!"

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