So about a month ago I decided I needed to get a little bit of a workout before this get together we were having. So about an hour before it started I wrestled with Isaac and this baby carrier thing so that I could take him on a hike with me up the mountain. After a good ten minutes of snaps here, wrong straps here, and having to put him on my back in the carrier by myself, we were finally ready to go. I don't know which part Isaac loved more, the fact that he could pull my hair and get a reaction out of me or the fact that he was up high and could easily see the cars driving by. Either way, Isaac was having a grand old time. So the hike was only about 45 minutes total and not too far from our house. When I got to the peak I noticed the time and started hurling down the mountain. About 5 minutes into this I noticed that the giggles and humming from Isaac weren't coming from behind my back anymore. So I turned my head and right next to my shoulder I saw this!Isaac had completely fallen asleep on my back in this position. It was so adorable. I laughed all the way home and even still when I was taking these pictures. I mean it is not like I was on a bike so that his ride was smooth. I was speeding down the hill as quickly as I could without running. So if you can imagine, I could feel that his body was bouncing up and down the whole time. Even when I learned that he was asleep I could see his head bopping up and down to the rhythm of my walk. It was hilarious.
Here is a back view!
Here is a back view!
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