Our little Andrew has accomplished so many things in his ten months of life. He has learned to crawl, pull himself up, hit at his brother when Isaac takes something away from him, (sadly yes) and can put his pointer finger up when it is his turn to count to 10 ( I make them count to 10 when they both want the same toy to teach taking turns) He also currently has 8 teeth, 4 on the top and 4 on the bottom. He loves to chase his older brother around and do whatever Isaac is doing.
I love this picture because I actually got him to smile at the right moment.
He even has learned to color and draw on paper.
I just love that dimple.
He also loves to be the center of attention. Whenever I bust out the camera he crawls on turbo speed and comes right up to me to get on camera.
The boys new toy I found at DI. It was only 2 bucks, a great deal for the time they are entertained on it.
Our little crawler loves to have things in his mouth where ever he is going. lol It's funny looking at him from this angle.
My little nephew is so BIG!!!! So cute, Liz!