Friday, June 14, 2013

The River Walk in San Antonio

The Thursday before Father's day Austin took us down with him on one of his business trips to Austin, Texas. We stayed in a hotel that night and swam all of Friday morning. We then traveled a few more hours to San Antonio to go to Sea World and visit the River walk. The last time Austin and I were at the River Walk was a month after we were married. Now, 5 years later, we have these three silly and adorable squirts to share the experience with.  

Hanging out in the hotel room.

 We took this picture 5 years ago right before we did this same river walk boat tour. Hey, I think I wore that same shirt, and also had that short hair cut. Creepy.

2008- Yep, short hair, but I think I was wearing my black shade shirt instead of my blue one. Still, crazy weird. I don't think that shirt fits Austin anymore either. lol Sorry babe.

 On the boat!

Right when we got off of the boat ride it started pouring buckets. It poured and poured and dumped and poured some more. We were huddled under a canvas from one of the restaurants on the river walk. A kind waiter came out with their garbage bags to help us stay dry. He was a kind man but it didn't do any good. The rain drops were the size of gum balls. It was easier to drag the boys around when they were wearing the bags though, so I decided to keep them on.

 A kind women on the way from our car to the River walk saw that we were heading to the walk and forced us to take her umbrella. We kept saying we were fine but she refused to let us walk away without something to cover our babies with. She said it was suppose to rain and that she didn't need it anyways. We gave up and took the umbrella, 30 minutes later we were very grateful for her kindness because little miss Emeri was protected from the pelts of rain. Now every time I see her umbrella in my car I think of her and hope to do the same act of kindness to someone who crosses my path.

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