Saturday, January 24, 2015

Fun Indoors

Here are some things the kids liked to do around the house when it got to cold to go outside. Andrew loved to wear his Raphael mask while swinging his swords at anyone or anything that got within 10 feet of him. Yep, Andrew has to be hitting, kicking, swinging, and yelling while he is in character. It's just what you do as Raphael. 
Isaac is getting strong enough to give piggy back rides to Emeri. He was sweet to do so with the instant demands he got from Emeri. Plus, I think it was a cute way for them to play together. 
We have started something new in our house to help me keep sane, have time to teach each child in the kitchen, and get some help during meal times. Each one of our kids has a day of the week where they are mommy's helper. Being mom's helper means they set the table, help me cook, and then help me clean up afterwards. In doing so they get to choose where they sit at the table, they choose who gets to say the prayer before each meal, and then get a special treat once the dishwasher is loaded. This helps me have some good one on one time with them, and also gives them a chance to learn and have fun in the kitchen.
Oakley loves her little car we borrowed from Grandma Heath's house. I think the boys love it more though. They took turns pushing her down the hallway and spinning the car out the last minute before it could collide into the front door. Scared me to death but when I saw how much Oakley loved it I held back my tongue.
The other picture is of our kids playing a marble game where they earn different amount of points for each circle it landed in. The boys played it for at least a half an hour. Their favorite part was writing down the amount of points they earned. Without understanding the value of their points, they would freak out once their numbers reached the bottom of the page. HAHA
This little diva looked like she was innocently looking at our fish. I thought it was pretty cute too until I noticed the huge pile of fish food in the tank!! Oh yeah, she dumped almost the entire container of beta fish food into his bowl! The label says to only give the fish a pinch of food every few hours or else it will over feed and die. AWE! Emeri! Oh and look at her face, she wasn't surprised at all. What a little faker. I quickly changed the bowl of water and all was good. It needed a change really bad anyways. Skittles can thank Emeri I guess.
Emeri loves listening to the "Elsa song" on my phone. She will only have the real song from the movie, not the Demi Lavato one that plays during the credits. Whenever the sound track reaches that song she says, "no mommy, not the bad Elsa song, the good Elsa one." HAHA Funny girl. When she has her "good Elsa song" on she roams the house, enters her own little world, dances so adorably, and sings to her hearts content.

Emeri is working on learning her colors. I have these cute laminated colored monkeys that I bought the boys when they were little to help them learn their colors. Emeri loves them to death. She asks me if she can play with her "color monkeys" and spreads them all over the floor. When I have a free moment I tell her to find things around the house that match the monkeys. These are some of the things she has found. She is so smart. She even has the brown couch pillow for the brown monkey. What a silly smart sweet heart. 
Here is a picture of Oakley that Isaac took all by himself. He loved doing it and of course preceded to take a gazillion random pictures around the house. This one wasn't too bad though.

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