I don't know what it is about my boys but they just have to have something in their
mouths at all times. For Andrew it is either his fists, his pacifier, me, or part of his clothes, which in this picture he chose his zipper. It was actually pretty cute, I was feeding Isaac and I turned to check on Andrew and he was being teased by his own zipper. He kept pulling his head side to side trying to get it into his mouth.
lol It was quite entertaining. (see video)
Yes, most of you can guess Isaac's quirk. He always has either something in his mouth or hands, and sometimes both. On this particular day it was a peanut butter cookie and a green remote to one of his toys that he just had to have with him at all times.
He even tried climbing the stairs with both of them and actually made it up them.
lol I was impressed but also worried.
lolThis is where our little family ate when we first moved in because we didn't have a table. We ate like this for about a week and a half. Now I can say that I am truly grateful for the little things in life. It will be fun to tell our kids about the time we ate on the floor. Hopefully that will make them appreciate what they have more. lol
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