Thursday, March 13, 2014


I just want to cry when I see this picture. Our babies are not babies anymore. We actually have children now. You kids will never know how much we love you.
 During the three weeks Lanae was visiting before their big move to North Dakota, they spent the day at our house. We went for a walk around the lake and fed the ducks. Emeri and Savanna were in duck heaven!
 I can't stand how the Dallas area doesn't have mountains, but it sure does have some amazing storms. This is a picture of one storm that we watched roll in on Tammy's birthday. Isn't it just breath taking? You can't see in the picture but every two or three seconds there would be a flash of lighting, which in turn made it so we had an entire night with non stop thunder. I have never experienced that before. It was incredible, the thunder literally did not stop all night.  Driving over to Tammy's house Isaac pointed to the clouds and said, "Mommy! I see Jesus! Jesus is coming!" That is how cool these clouds were.
 Little Miss Precious Petite Pretty Princess chillin after her full breakfast of green smoothie. She loves them.
 After church picture. I love how Andrew naturally puts his arm on whoever he is taking a picture with. He is a natural model. HAHA
 Baby girl #2 at 26 weeks!
 Who loves making banana oatmeal cookies!!! WE DO!! Oh yeah!!
 Table road! Kept them busy for an hour during Emeri's nap! Boom Baby! 
 One family night we watched Frozen together as a family. It was such a fun evening!!! Emeri loved the little snowman, especially when he sang his hilarious song. She got right off the floor and started twirling with her hands over head like this. She was doing the movements to 'Once there was a Snowman' while the snowman in the movie was singing. It was so adorable!!! She danced the whole song.
 The boys thought the snowman was funny. Andrew was laughing out loud until the big snowman came on screen, then he started crying because he was so scared of it. HAHA

Have I ever mentioned how much we love pancakes?! Hope you caught the sarcasm. We eat them so much now that even Emeri insists on taking a turn flipping the pancakes. She gets quite pleased with herself with each pancake flipped. She loves it.
  Isaac can draw people now!!! Crazy!!! My little boy gets the concept of head, body, arms, and legs when he is drawing people. It was so fun to see his excited face when he saw that he could do it by himself. I was super proud of him.
 And this is what Andrew does whenever we are doing a craft. He sits and he cuts, and cuts, and cuts. He started on the table with several whole pieces of paper, but over about an hour of time he eventually ends up on the floor making the pieces even smaller.

1 comment:

  1. Liz congratulations on baby #4!!!! You look great by the way as well!! :) Your kids are getting so big, holy cow!!! Glad you guys are doing well!!
