Monday, October 22, 2012


Here are some random pictures of our two little peas in a pod. We have been so blessed having these two boys in our lives. They keep us entertained and humbled throughout the day. What I love most of all though is the love they have for each other. The giggles and smiles they bring to each others faces is irreplaceable.

 One of my favorite times is watching them play superheros. They actually fight and run around trying to escape each other.

                                                   Playing together on air mattress.

Matching for church.


  1. Those boys are so funny! I love the super hero outfits. Reminds me of the way my brothers would play power rangers! Ok and if I'm being honest I sometimes played too...

  2. Liz I love those pictures!!! I love how they are BEST BUDS and will be forever!! Ryan and his younger brother are like 19 months apart and so close growing up and so cute together!!
