Friday, March 6, 2015

Library Fun/Bike/Cousins

The Prosper Library had a Cat in the Hat party for all of the Dr. Seuss books. The library is small and by having these fun events throughout the year, they are hoping to help it grow in members. Most people go to the Frisco Library because it is ginormous so hopefully we can spread the word.
The kids loved how the frosting on their cupcakes changed the color of their tongues. 
The craft at this event was to make their own Thing 1 or Thing 2 out of popsicle sticks. 
Emeri can use the pedals now! I don't know when it happened exactly but sometime in the beginning of the month I saw her riding Nathan's bike with the pedals. I was so proud of her. She is only 2 1/2 and she figured it out on her own. Big independent girl. Next step, big girl bike.......
Well, at least that is what she thought. A little to soon Emeri my love. Every day she asks me to help her ride this princess bike that does not have any training wheels. She doesn't want to use the trainer bike because it doesn't have pedals like her brothers' bikes have. I keep telling her that they had to practice on the trainer one first before they could ride their big bikes. She is super persistent so she keeps trying anyways. I love her diligence, we shall put that to good use when she is older.
Cousin Time. We had cousins over one day while Aunt Kadi was at a doctor's app. They played so well together. We enjoy having them over.

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