In between this activity and that, the family had some down town for some football, crafts, chatting, reading, and playing together. It was such a relaxing place to camp that everyone had something to do, see, play with, or listen too.
Here was a little football fun.
Andrew took advantage of Isaac playing football and read his Batman book several times. HA HA
For the family reunion kid's craft. I printed out every member of our family's photo and had the kids make a family tree out of them. They all did great and got to hang them up on some real trees for display.
Here is Andrew playing horsey on Aunt Becka's lap. I don't think he ever stopped asking her to "do it again!"
Aunt Becka with Emeri!
So my sister Susan has a job as a botax nurse. She injects stuff into people's faces who want themselves to look younger. My mom asked what she could do about a large wrinkle on my Dad's forehead. Well....a few minutes later he was like this!!! Strapped down on the picnic bench with a whole team of family members doing this operation. LOL He was so brave. Proud of you Dad.
Enjoying some traditional camping smores!
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